Wednesday, March 3, 2010

GOOD NEWS today!!!!

Today my husband received approval to have FREE cataract surgery! This is great because he has been blind in one eye for over 5 years. He only has Medicare insurance and what our co-pay was for that surgery was more than we have been able to afford. We recently were told about a group of doctors that does needed eye surgery for free for qualifying patients. They only do this once a year and today was the first day they were seeing people to figure out who would be getting their free services. So, we left early this morning, saw a total of 4 different eye doctors, got everything checked including ultra sound on his eyes and now David has an appointment on March 18th for this surgery.

Last week he got a special coupon from the Gerentology Center for wheelchair repairs. This is enabling him to get new batteries, tires and arm rests for his chair which would have cost us about $1200 and we are getting this FREE.

Some of you may know Shartey / Nigel (from ebay blogs) and may remember her writing about praying a certain kind of prayer. I started doing this, though I still haven't read that book that tells about it, but essentially the prayer is for the Lord's blessings. I don't pray specific things anymore, just for HIS blessings and I thank Him for blessings He has already given. I have no idea if I am doing this the right way, but ever since I have been doing this, things have been happening. I know that these free services are directly because of those prayers. I know that the Lord will continue to pour His blessings upon my family and that our needs will be met. Anyway, I'm excited to see what comes next and how the Lord will choose to bless us!


  1. How Eggsciting My Over the Pond Sister!?!?!?!

    I believe in the power of prayer. So I am going to mark my calendar and send out good vibes for excellent results and speedy recovery.

    And many more blessing sent your way!

    Much love, hugs and kisses

  2. Tomorrow's the day, I have not forgotten.


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