Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why did they think we were terrorists???

Barb and I took alot of trips for her business. We would go to Reno or Vegas two to three times a year. (You can read about Barb in my previous post about the pig). We were always buying alot of stuff at the trade shows and bringing the stuff back in our luggage to save on shipping costs to our homes in Hawaii.
One memorable trip we knew we were going to bring as much stuff back as possible so both of us took the biggest two suitcases we had and put one inside the other. These four suitcases were totally empty. Then we each brought a backpack carry on bag. (Don't you miss being able to have two check in bags and one carry on? those were the days). We packed things in the carry ons that were stuff that were destined for goodwill or to throw away as we were going to use these bags for merchandise too upon departure.
Sooooo, we go to the trade show. This is a huge gun and knife and bow and arrow trade show that is in Reno every year. We bought as many guns, knives and bows and crossbows, etc. as could fit in our bags. We threw all the packaging for these items away (actually we left them in our hotel room for the maid to throw away). We left our clothes and for some reason the night before we had both decided to color our hair, and Barb gave me a haircut.
IMAGINE our surprise when we checked out that morning, to be stopped not just by the hotel security but by the Reno Police department!!!!
We could not figure out what we had done wrong. The "good cop" had to spell out to us just how shady it looked to have the packages to a bunch of rifles and handguns and knives and bows and crossbows in our hotel room. We had packed everything legally, with the proper locks, etc. What we hadn't realized was that the maid was scared out of her mind when she saw all that stuff, plus our clothes plus our hair dye boxes and I guess the hair from my haircut was the true crowning touch.
We missed our plane. We got interrogated. Finally, the fine Reno police department realized we were just a couple of dizzy dames from Hawaii and we were escorted to the next available flight.
I wonder if I am still on some WATCH list?


  1. I love you quote on the blog header - very funny.

  2. Thanks Rick, I read it somewhere and loved it too.


  3. OMG too funny girlie, I have some airport 'security' stories of my own. ROFL but, in the interest of National Security perhaps the stories should not be told.

    Nekkid Chicken dancing


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